Drain Camera Inspections
in Toowoomba

Drain Camera Inspection Footage — Just Plumbing Group Pty Ltd In Toowoomba, QLD

Reliable & Trusted

Just Plumbing Group Pty Ltd has an assortment of drain cameras to suit most domestic, body corporate, commercial and industrial applications. Some plumbers will carry just one camera, but one camera does not exist that can inspect all applications. If you need to have your drains inspected, it is important to engage a contractor that can supply you with the most information and accurate location of the faults, to help save you time and money. 

If a fault is misdiagnosed, missed, or not accurately located you may be up for expensive repairs to your property

At Just Plumbing Group Pty Ltd, we’re equipped with an extensive range of camera lengths to suit most types of residential and commercial drains. Our plumbers will search your drain for the source of the blockage and identify the cause.

Quality, Low-Cost Repairs

When drain blockages occur, simply eliminating the debris may not be enough to prevent the obstruction from reoccurring. A drain camera inspection is imperative to assessing the cause so we can implement a cost-efficient solution with long-term results.

Relined Drain Footage — Just Plumbing Group Pty Ltd In Toowoomba, QLD

For new builds, a drain camera inspection can be highly effective to help locate faults, weak points or breakages in the council sewer line. If your building is required to receive a CCTV drain inspection for approval, call us at Just Plumbing Group Pty Ltd.

We understand that blocked drains, leaks and unpleasant smells can be a major frustration for busy families and working professionals. For same-day drainage repairs and CCTV drain inspections in Toowoomba, speak to the experts at Just Plumbing Group Pty Ltd today.

Like drains, drain cameras come in all shapes, sizes, and lengths. It is always important to use the right camera for the job. Most drain cameras used by plumbers are the push rod type – camera attached to a fibreglass cable which can be pushed through the twists, turns and junctions of a drain. The heads of the cameras can be fixed picture, self-levelling picture or pan and tilt. Pan and tilt heads allow for the user to move and inspect any area inside the pipe. Larger tractor cameras are used by councils and utility suppliers to inspect larger pipes. Usually located behind or in the camera head is a radio SONDE. This SONDE allows for the camera head to be found. Finding the camera head at the fault allows the user to accurately record the location and depth of the fault so that a quote can be given for the repair. Another application for drain cameras is to locate and record drainage locations before construction of a site commences. Finally, drain cameras are used in the process for drain relining (CIPP) to position the liner in the drain.

The Master Plumbers Association of Queensland suggests that when a drain blocks for a second time you should request further investigation to determine the cause. Once the cause is located an estimate of the cost of rectification can be made. Joel’s Plumbing and Gas does one better. Every time a drain is cleared, we camera to the point where the drain was blocked to identify the cause of the problem. Finding out the cause of your first blockage can save you a lot of money in the future.

Currently Joel’s Plumbing and Gas has cameras to inspect drains from 25mm through to 450mm at lengths from 18mtrs through to 100mtrs. All our vehicles are equipped with latest technology Bluetooth recording monitors so that the fault can be sent directly to you. You will be informed so the right decision for rectification is made with no time wasted. All our vehicles have SONDE locators so that the fault’s depth and location can be marked once the fault has been diagnosed.

When it comes to drain camera inspections in Toowoomba and The Darling Downs, Joel’s Plumbing and Gas has you covered. Our large range of cameras, specialised techniques and highly trained staff can help save you from disaster and unnecessary financial costs.

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